Root Canal Treatment

**** SPECIAL OFFER **** We are pleased to announce that we will be holding another Invisalign open day, date TBC. We will be providing free consultations (normally £69) and up to £1000 worth of savings with teeth whitening and retainers included. Call us on 02072535982 to book and find out more!

Sometimes the only way of saving a tooth is to fill the nerve and pulp inside of the tooth. This is called Root Canal treatment or Endodontic treatment. This can often be difficult if the canals are blocked, curved or badly infected.

root canal thumb

Dr Falguni Mehta

Dr Jonny Lee BDS (Bristol)
MFDS RCS (England), MSc Endodontics (KCL)

We are proud to confirm Dr Jonny Lee is accepting referrals for difficult Endodontic cases, such as re-root canal treatment, and is highly experienced in the field of Root Canal Therapy.

At Old Street Dental Clinic we understand Root Canal treatment can cause anxiety but having a highly skilled and experienced dental professional together with state-of-the-art technology means we can treat our patients quickly and comfortably.